Well-Being App
Holistic approach to culture change. Easy to engage thousands of employees or students at one time in real time; Accessible; Affordable. Quarterly challenges, reporting and evaluation
Select the workplace that best
describes you below
Values Assessments
Community climate and culture transformation values-based assessments, leadership development, team coaching, community engagement roadmap and implementation. 18-month program. Pre/post full report analysis.
Let us customize a plan that is right for you. Set up a consultation now.
Peer Counseling Certification Program
A student development model that begins with inner-development and develops into actionable steps to outward and positive change, this program tackles the teenage mental health crisis.
Leadership Development
and Training Consulting
Customized to meet the needs as revealed through values assessment analysis and qualitative needs assessment work conducted on site at the leadership level. Workshops and online learning communities using state of the art LMS. Custom corporate certificates also available. Recommended groups of 12-20 for maximum engagement and participation with what will become an intimate circle of trust.
Board Room CT
Onboarding Retreats
Designed for board of directors’ and senior organizational leadership deep dive and swift onboarding to the corporate program initiative set into motion or about to be set in motion. Recommended early in corporate culture full scale programs.
Set up a consultation so we can customize a plan that is right for you.
Team Coaching
Helping multiple organizations come together to effectively change transform culture around a common mission and vision.
Let us customize a plan that is
right for you!
Team Based Values Driven Coaching
Online/in person blended options to build leaders who mentor and manage.
Values-Based Leadership Development Programs
Environmental Scan, Customized program based on results, Evaluation of impact, action plan for future.
WE ALL LEAD University Leadership Development Programs
Emphasis on inner-development and outer action via eco-impact projects, providing service to local wellbeing economy initiatives.