Our first responders have been called upon to meet an ever growing list of needs in our communities and with few additional resources. Our police, fire and medical personnel have been required to dig deep to meet the global crisis of the pandemic and the outcry for reform. We believe that change happens first in the individual through engagement in building a mindset that will allow us to enact change in our organizations and society.

With the tensions of budget cuts, catastrophic challenges and competition, cities and counties have lacked effective ways to engage first responders in meaningful, values-based connections that promote the well-being of the individual and therefore the organization. 

The Human Values Center has curated programs that will meet the needs of your team from a six-week app based program that requires just minutes a day from participants, to a year-long  training program that builds mental strength for the purpose of increasing individual, social and environmental flourishing.

Each theme can be delivered on its own in a six-week program with three live online sessions and daily interactions in the challenge.

Pre and Post Community Values Assessment with 

Three 30 day Challenges Over the Year: 

Optimizing Human Potential Challenge Program with a Community Values Assessment
We use a robust values assessment tool to gauge the health of the organization as the first step in this year-long program, the information identifies the strengths and challenges specific to your team. Beginning the process with this level of transparency allows leadership to model a willingness to make changes as needed. At the completion of the three challenges, we use the same survey and provide a report on the growth of the organization and a roadmap for culture transformation. Over the course of the year complimentary content is provided for the organization’s leadership team to ensure the success and sustainability of the program.  

About the Experience

Evidence-based, technology supported solutions for organizations and communities to flourish.

App-based challenges using gamification and prompted reflection to encourage engagement.

Custom reporting and analytics for administrators.

Accessible anywhere on a smartphone, tablet or computer, with a 5 min a day commitment

a curated platform and safe place for storytelling, listening, and meaningful dialogue

Builds positive relationships, increases trust and creates community agency & pride.

Fosters emotional self-regulation & de-escalation techniques.

Facilitates discussions around shared values as well as issues of shared concern.

Builds creativity and innovation to solve challenges together.

Promotes Intentional Diversity, Equity & Inclusion behavior change and fosters personal ownership.